Thursday, February 23, 2012

BIG NEWS, BUTTS, BIG NEWS: as I'm sure your homemade Hunger Games countdown clock has informed you, there are only 28 DAYS LEFT until the greatest movie of all time hits the theaters and Peeta Mellark's buns are forever burned into our lucky, lucky minds. (I AM TALKING ABOUT HIS BREAD, GUYS, COME ON. GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER.)
Today, I'm here to announce that YOU, yes, YOU, can get up-close and personal with the fantastically good-looking and supremely awesome cast of this movie. How is this possible, you ask, your chin covered in drool and eyes wide with hope?
It's easy: JUST GET YOURSELF TO A MALL. Because Katniss, Gale, and Peeta are going on an 8-city MALL TOUR across the US beginning on March 3—which means that you could soon be standing in the immediate vicinity of Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, and Josh Hutcherson.
Go ahead and do a victory hip-thrust. I know you want to.
Here's the rundown: if you live in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Seattle, Phoenix, Dallas, Miami, Chicago, or Minneapolis, then you are A LUCKY SONOFAGUN, and you can attend one of the following fan events and participate in Q&As with the cast and enter giveaways to win Hunger Games Gear! Here are the deets

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